LogDNA Integration

Instructions on how to integrate your environment with LogDNA

With the LogDNA(https://logdna.com) integration, all the stdout from your services will be sent to LogDNA.

To enable this, add the following module to your environment opta.yaml:

name: staging
org_name: my-org
    region: us-east-1
    account_id: XXXX
  - type: base
  - type: k8s-cluster
  - type: k8s-base
  - type: helm-chart # <-- Add this for LogDNA support
    chart: agent
    repository: https://assets.logdna.com/charts
    chart_version: 203.3.2
        key: <your ingestion key>
        tags: staging # any custom tags that you need

Run opta apply and that’s it! You should see your logs in logDNA shortly.

Last modified August 5, 2022 : Cleanup install script (#197) (2175394)