
Add an AWS Global Accelerator to your env.

This module sets up an AWS Global Accelerator for you. For those new to this service, a Global Accelerator can be used as an alternative (or helper to) multi region deployments, “fast forwarding” requests across AWS' underlying networks to drastically decrease long-distance network request latencies. The Global Accelerator is meant to be deployed in front of a load balancer, and exposes a domain and public ip addresses to which send public traffic. In Opta

name: testing-global-accelerator
org_name: runx
    region: us-east-1
    account_id: XXXXXXXXXX
  - type: base
  - type: dns 
    name: dns
    delegated: false # Set to true when ready -- see the "Configure DNS" page
    linked_module: global-accelerator
  - type: k8s-cluster
  - type: k8s-base
    # Uncomment when enabling dns to get ssl
#    cert_arn: "${{module.dns.cert_arn}}" # Or add your own cert if not using Opta's dns module
  - type: global-accelerator

Domain / DNS

If you are ready to start hosting your site with your domain via the global accelerator, then go ahead and follow the configuring dns guide, which will also set up your SSL. Traffic should start flowing from your domain to your global acceleratorn and on towards your K8s cluster. You could also manually configure DNS / SSL from outside of Opta using the following steps:

  1. Remove the dns module entirely from your yaml, if you haven’t already.
  2. Get an AWS ACM certificate for your site. Make sure that you get it in region us-east-1. If you already have one at hand in your account (e.g. from another active Opta deployment), then feel free to reuse that.
  3. Validate the certificate by adding the correct CNAME entries in your domain’s DNS settings.
  4. Fill in the cert_arn field for the k8s-base module with the arn of your cert.
  5. In your hosted zone, create either an A record (if it’s on the same AWS account) or a CNAME pointing to the Global Accelerator dns name (the global_accelerator_dns_name output). Alternatively, if it’s a hosted zone on the same AWS account you could pass the zone_id to the global accelerator module to have Opta automatically take care of this for you.
  6. Fill in the domains field to include the domains for which you have the certificate for (no need to include wildcard repetition, that’s automatic).
  7. Opta apply and you’re done!


Name Description Default Required
flow_logs_enabled Enable flow logs? False False
flow_logs_bucket Flow logs bucket `` False
flow_logs_prefix Flow logs prefix global-accelerator-flow-logs/ False
endpoint_id The id of the endpoint to direct traffic to. If it’s an NLB or ALB, then it’s the arn. If it’s an EIP, then it’s the allocation id. None False
domain Domain to setup the ingress with. By default uses the one specified in the DNS module if the module is found. `` False
zone_id ID of Route53 hosted zone to add a record for. By default uses the one created by the DNS module if the module is found. `` False


Name Description
global_accelerator_arn The arn of the global accelerator created.
global_accelerator_dns_name The public dns name of the global accelerator created.
global_accelerator_ip_addresses The public ip addresses of the global accelerator created.
global_accelerator_endpoint_arns The arns of the global accelerator endpoint groups created.

Last modified August 5, 2022 : Cleanup install script (#197) (2175394)