
Creates a dynamodb table to use

This module creates a dynamodb table as per the specifications in the input.


When linked to a k8s-service or IAM role/user, this adds the necessary IAM permissions to publish notifications to the topic. The current permissions allowed are “read” and “write” (defaults to “write). Link also grants encrypt/decrypt permission for the table’s KMS key.


Name Description Default Required
read_capacity This is the read capacaity for your dynamodb table 20 False
write_capacity This is the write capacaity for your dynamodb table 20 False
billing_mode The billing mode for you dynamodb table PROVISIONED False
hash_key The hash key for your table `` True
range_key The range key for your table None False
attributes The list of attributes (name and type) for this dynamodb table None True


Name Description
table_arn The arn of the table
table_id The id of the table
kms_arn The arn of the table’s kms encryption key
kms_id The id of the table’s kms encryption key

Last modified August 5, 2022 : Cleanup install script (#197) (2175394)