
Creates an AKS cluster and a default node pool to host your applications in

This module creates an AKS cluster and a default node pool to host your applications in. This needs to be added in the environment Opta yml if you wish to deploy services as Opta services run on Kubernetes.


Name Description Default Required
max_nodes The maximum number of nodes to be set by the autoscaler in for the default nodegroup. 5 False
min_nodes The minimum number of nodes to be set by the autoscaler in for the default nodegroup. 3 False
node_disk_size The size of disk in GB to give the virtual machines of the nodes. 30 False
node_instance_type The Azure virtual machine size for the nodes. Standard_D2_v2 False
kubernetes_version The Kubernetes version for the cluster. Must be supported by AKS to bind the cluster too. Gives you automatic K8s version management for the cluster and node pools. 1.21.9 False
admin_group_object_ids ids of the Active Directory groups to make admins in the K8s cluster. [] False
service_cidr The cidr to be reserved for k8s service usage False
dns_service_ip The ip to use for the internal coredns service False


Name Description
k8s_endpoint The endpoint to communicate to the kubernetes cluster through.
k8s_ca_data The certificate authority used by the kubernetes cluster for ssl.
k8s_cluster_name The name of the kubernetes cluster.
client_cert Base64 encoded public certificate used by clients to authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster.
client_key Base64 encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster.

Last modified August 5, 2022 : Cleanup install script (#197) (2175394)