
Opta config reference

What’s an Opta module?

The heart of Opta is a set of “Modules” which basically map to cloud resources that need to get created. Opta yamls reference these under the modules field.

name: myapp
  - name: staging
    path: "../env/opta.yaml"
  - name: app # This is an instance of the k8-service module type called app
    type: k8s-service
      http: 80
    image: AUTO
    public_uri: "app.{parent.domain}/app"
      cpu: 100 # in millicores
      memory: 512 # in megabytes
    healthcheck_path: "/get"
      ENV: "{env}"
      - rds
      - cache
  - name: rds # This is an instance of the aws-rds module type called mydatabase
    type: postgres
  - name: cache # This is an instance of the aws-redis module type called myredis
    type: redis

You’ll note that the module instance can have user-specified names which will come into play later with references. Opta modules are composed of the following entities/behaviors:


You’ll note that there can be many, varying, fields per module instance such as “type”, “envvars”, “image” etc… These are called _fields and this is how specific data is passed into the modules.


All modules have a name field, which is used to create the name of the cloud resources in conjunction with the layer name (root name of opta.yaml). A user can specify this with the name field, but it defaults to the module type (without the hyphens) if not given.


All modules have their own list of supported fields, but the one common to all is type. The type field is simply the module reference (e.g. the library/package to use in this “import”). Opta currently comes with its list of valid modules built in – future work may allow users to specify their own.


The k8s-service module type is the first (but not the last) module to support special processing. In this case, it’s in regard to the links field. The links field takes as input a list of maps with a single element where the key is the name of another module in the file, and the value a list of strings representing resource permissions.

name: myapp
  - name: staging
    path: "../env/opta.yaml"
  - name: app
    type: k8s-service # This is an instance of the k8-service module type called app
    - rds
    - redis
    - docdb
    - bucket:
      - write
  - name: rds # This is an instance of the postgres module type called rds
    type: postgres
  - name: redis # This is an instance of the redis module type called redis
    type: redis
  - name: docdb
    type: aws-documentdb
  - name: bucket
    type: aws-s3
    bucket_name: "test-bucket"


AWS provider


Azure provider


GCP provider

Last modified August 5, 2022 : Cleanup install script (#197) (2175394)