
Sets up VPCs, a default KMS key, and the db/cache subnets for your environment

The defaults for this module are set to work 99% of the time, assuming no funny networking constraints (you’ll know them if you have them), so in most cases, there is no need to set any of the fields or know what the outputs do.

Bring your own VPC

To use an existing VPC with Opta, instead of having Opta create a new VPC, you must set the vpc_id, public_subnet_ids, and private_subnet_ids fields. Set vpc_id to the ID of the existing VPC you would like Opta to use. Set public_subnet_ids to the list of IDs of the public subnets in the VPC. Public subnets must have a route that connects to an internet gateway, and must be configured to assign public IP addresses. Set private_subnet_ids to the list of IDs of the private subnets in the VPC. Private subnets must have a route with a destination of that points to a NAT gateway with a public IP address. If the private subnet routes are not configured correctly, you may see an error output by Terraform that looks like “No routes matching supplied arguments found in Route Table”.

IPv6 is not supported on VPCs that you bring. Those VPCs may work, but we do not verify Opta works properly with IPv6-only or dual-stack VPCs.


Name Description Default Required
total_ipv4_cidr_block This is the total cidr block for the VPC. False
vpc_log_retention The retention period (days) for the flow logs of your vpc. 90 False
private_ipv4_cidr_blocks These are the cidr blocks to use for the private subnets, one for each AZ. ['', '', ''] False
public_ipv4_cidr_blocks These are the cidr blocks to use for the public subnets, one for each AZ. ['', '', ''] False
vpc_id The ID of an existing VPC to import. If not provided, Opta will create a new VPC. None False
public_subnet_ids When importing an existing VPC, the IDs of the public subnets None False
private_subnet_ids When importing an existing VPC, the IDs of the private subnets None False


Name Description
kms_account_key_arn The ARN of the default KMS key (this is what handles encryption for redis, documentdb, eks, etc…)
kms_account_key_id The ID of the default KMS key (sometimes things need the ID, sometimes the ARN, so we’re giving both)
vpc_id The ID of the VPC we created for this environment
private_subnet_ids The IDs of the private subnets we setup for your environment
public_subnets_ids The IDs of the public subnets we setup for your environment
s3_log_bucket_name The name of the default logging bucket provisioned by opta
public_nat_ips Public static IP of nat gateway(s)

Last modified August 5, 2022 : Cleanup install script (#197) (2175394)