
Creates an AWS Documentdb cluster

This module creates an AWS Documentdb cluster. It is made in the private subnets automatically created for the environment. macro and so can only be accessed in the VPC or through some proxy (e.g. VPN). It is encrypted at rest with a kms key created in the env setup and in transit via tls.


When linked to a k8s-service, this adds connection credentials to your container’s environment variables as:

  • {module_name}_db_user
  • {module_name}_db_password
  • {module_name}_db_host

The permission list can optionally have one entry which should be a map for renaming the default environment variable names to a user-defined value:

  - db:
      - db_user: DBUSER
        db_host: DBHOST
        db_password: DBPASS

If present, this map must have renames for all 3 fields.

In addition to these credentials, you also need to enable SSL encryption when connecting (AWS docs). Fortunately, the Opta k8s-service module has already taken care of that. On linking, you’ll find the AWS CA at /config/rds_ca.pem

As an example, this is how the mongoose/node connection looks like:

await mongoose.connect("mongodb://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@<HOST>, {
  ssl: true,
  sslCA: require('fs').readFileSync(`/config/rds_ca.pem`)


Name Description Default Required
engine_version The version of mongodb to use 4.0.0 False
instance_class This is the RDS instance type used for the documentdb cluster instances. db.r5.large False
instance_count This is to specify the count of instances for Document DB Cluster. Note -> These would be Multi-AZ. 1 False
deletion_protection A value that indicates whether the DB cluster has deletion protection enabled. The database can’t be deleted when deletion protection is enabled. By default, deletion protection is disabled. False False


Name Description
db_host The host of the database.
db_user The user of the database.

Last modified August 5, 2022 : Cleanup install script (#197) (2175394)