
Creates base infrastructure for k8s environments


This module is responsible for all the base infrastructure we package into the Opta K8s environments. This includes:


Name Description Default Required
nginx_high_availability Deploy the nginx ingress in a high-availability configuration. False False
linkerd_high_availability Deploy the linkerd service mesh in a high-availability configuration for its control plane. False False
linkerd_enabled Enable the linkerd service mesh installation. True False
nginx_enabled Enable the ingress nginx installation. True False
admin_arns ARNs for users/roles who should be K8s admins. The user running Opta is by default an admin. [] False
nginx_config Additional configuration for nginx ingress. Available options {} False
nginx_extra_tcp_ports Additional TCP ports to expose from nginx [] False
nginx_extra_tcp_ports_tls Which additional TCP ports should have TLS enabled [] False
expose_self_signed_ssl Expose self-signed SSL certs. False False
cert_manager_values Certificate Manager helm chart additional values. Available options {} False
linkerd_values Linkerd helm chart additional values. Available options {} False
ingress_nginx_values Ingress Nginx helm chart additional values. Available options {} False
domain Domain to setup the ingress with. By default uses the one specified in the DNS module if the module is found. `` False
zone_id ID of Route53 hosted zone to add a record for. By default uses the one created by the DNS module if the module is found. `` False
cert_arn The arn of the ACM certificate to use for SSL. By default uses the one created by the DNS module if the module is found and delegation enabled. `` False


Name Description
load_balancer_raw_dns The dns of the network load balancer provisioned to handle ingress to your environment
load_balancer_arn The arn of the network load balancer provisioned to handle ingress to your environment

Last modified August 5, 2022 : Cleanup install script (#197) (2175394)