
Adds the ability to refer to external, preexisting terraform states in Opta.

This module grants users the ability to import outputs from external terraform backends (e.g. pre-existing or created outside of Opta, or another Opta service/environment). All the terraform outputs of that state will be captured and referenceable under the outputs output for this module (Opta will error out if the desired value is not found in the outputs).

For instance, you can refer values such as the name of an S3 bucket created in another Opta service like so:

  - name: staging
    path: "./staging.yaml"
      max_containers: 5
name: my-service1
  - type: external-state
    name: external
    backend_type: s3
      bucket: opta-tf-state-my-org-staging
      key: my-service2
      region: us-east-1
  - name: app
    type: k8s-service
    image: AUTO
      http: 80
      SOURCE_QUEUE: "${{module.external.outputs.sqs_queue_name}}"

The service will now have an environment variables known as SOURCE_BUCKET SOURCE_QUEUE could be the name of the queue they wish grab data from (assuming IAM permissions are configured externally for simplicity).

How to Properly Configure

This module takes just 2 inputs, backend_type and config, which directly map to an available terraform backend name and its configuration. For full details please see here, but for convenience we have below some common examples:

For S3 (Opta AWS)

  - type: external-state
    name: external
    backend_type: s3
      bucket: my-bucket-name
      key: my-key
      region: us-east-1

For GCS (Opta GCP)

  - type: external-state
    name: external
    backend_type: gcs
      bucket: my-bucket-name
      prefix: my-prefix

For Azurerm (Opta Azure)

  - type: external-state
    name: external
    backend_type: azurerm
      storage_account_name: my-storage-account
      container_name: my-container
      key: my-key


Name Description Default Required
backend_type The type of backend this external state is using (https://www.terraform.io/language/settings/backends) None True
config The configuration to connect to this remote state {} True

Last modified August 5, 2022 : Cleanup install script (#197) (2175394)