
Sets up virtual network, private subnet, security groups (and their rules), default encryption key vault, and the container registry

This module is the “base” module for creating an environment in azure. It sets up the virtual network, private subnet, security groups (and their rules), default encryption key vault, and the container registry. Defaults are set to work 99% of the time, assuming no funny networking constraints (you’ll know them if you have them), so no need to set any of the fields or know what the outputs do.


Name Description Default Required
private_ipv4_cidr_block Cidr block for the whole vpc. False
subnet_ipv4_cidr_block Cidr block for private subnet. Don’t need to worry about AZs in Azure False


Name Description
vpc_id The ID of the Azure virtual network we created for this environment
vpc_name The name of the Azure virtual network we created for this environment
private_subnet_id The ID of the private subnet we setup for your environment
private_subnet_name The name of the private subnet we setup for your environment
acr_id The ID of the Azure container registry created for this environment
acr_name The name of the Azure container registry
acr_login_url The login url of the Azure container registry.
public_nat_ips Public static IP of nat gateway(s)

Last modified August 5, 2022 : Cleanup install script (#197) (2175394)