
Creates a postgres database

This module creates a postgres Azure Database for PostgreSQL database. It is made with the private link, ensuring private communication.


Opta will provision your database with 7 days of continuous backups.


When linked to a k8s-service, it adds connection credentials to your container’s environment variables as:

  • {module_name}_db_user
  • {module_name}_db_password
  • {module_name}_db_name
  • {module_name}_db_host

In the modules reference example, the {module_name} would be replaced with rds

The permission list can optionally have one entry which should be a map for renaming the default environment variable names to a user-defined value:

  - db:
      - db_user: DBUSER
        db_host: DBHOST
        db_name: DBNAME
        db_password: DBPASS

If present, this map must have renames for all 4 fields.


Name Description Default Required
sku_name The name of the SKU, follows the tier + family + cores pattern for Azure postgres instances. GP_Gen5_4 False
engine_version The version of the database to use. 11 False

Last modified August 5, 2022 : Cleanup install script (#197) (2175394)